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CO2e emission reduction Case Study - Gotham City School 

Gotham School logo from the BlueSkiesThe BlueSkies® Registered Trademark for the Insight Energy Dashboard demo account
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The Capital Expenditure at Gotham School has upgraded all the inefficient energy hungry appliances, the buildings are designed for optimum energy performance. Significant electricity saving were made when the fluorescent stripe lights were replaced with modern efficient LED lights, tthe power consumption graph stepped down. The same applies to the upgrading of the kitchen facilities and when the old gas boiler was replaced with air source heating, partially powered by the PV panels and battery storage converting the low wintery sunlight into off-grid kWh supplies.

Every day Gotham School Facilities Manager logs into the Monitoring and Targeting Portal and cross references with the Buildings Management System (BMS) to see that nothing perceptible has changed. Truth be told, some days the Monitoring and Targeting login is skipped (note : the Admin of BlueSkies Portal has the statistics about end-user logins) The M&T Portal used to be interesting, when the buildings were not efficient and almost fun when the LED lighting was being installed. After the capex projects were completed every day displayed the same electric base-load with minor variations in to daily usage profiles.

A theory

Further energy usage savings will be achieved by changing the behaviour and habits of the pupils and staff

Without any feedback or information about energy usage it is unlikely that energy conservation actions will become habitual.

People Working in Open Office and checking for Energy Waste
The BlueSkies® Registered Trademark for the Insight Energy Dashboard

The BLUESKIES Energy Dashboard makes KPIs available for everybody to see and understand that buildings can emit less CO2e

The Climate Emergency is real and changing human behaviour is essential to avoid the 1.5 C rising in average temperatures compared with the pre-industrialised Earth.


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"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors,
we borrow it from our children"

native American proverb

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