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The Report Page in CARBON COUNTER Monitoring and Targeting portal is designed to provide in-sight to the tens of thousands of Automated Meter Readings (AMR) sent from the electric, gas and water meters around your estate.

Weekly and Monthly reports are available to view online, the required report can be viewed by using the drop selectors at the top of the page for Location and Time Period. 

The default view is the latest complete weekly report, the week is Monday to Sunday.

Screengrab from Carbon Counter Monitoring and Targeting Report

The controls to select the data options on the M&T report page are :

  1. A drop Selector to pick the required electric, gas or water location in your account

  2. Button Selector to switch the report between weeks and months

  3. A drop selector to change the week / month report period

  4. A quick compare with total usage from a previous period, the default is the same week / month one year ago.  The reference week / month can be changed using the drop selector.

The report page displays KPIs for a single electric, gas or water locations in the account.  The same layout is used for each utility.

The top section of the report compares the total electric, gas or water used in the report period with the same week / month from one year ago (if the data is available) and displays the percentage change.

Detail from the M&T report page

A different page in the Monitoring @ Targeting Portal is used to create a one year forecast.  An extract from the annual forecast page is displayed as part of the weekly or monthly Utility Usage Report.  The incoming automated meter reads and historical data enable a predicted total Utility usage for the period.

In this example : the prediction is that 24,429 kWh electric will be used in the period 01/01/2023 to 31/12/2023.

Using the appropriate Carbon Conversion Factor for grid supplied electric. For this location the UK Government Green House Gas Conversion Factors 2022-23 a forecast calculation is made for CO2e emissions.

24,429 kWh results in 5 tonnes C02e emissions which require 165 mature trees to offset.

Note : the kWh emissions conversion factor will be updated during the year so this is a provisional figure.

The CARBON COUNTER calculation for offset trees required is made using the mature trees carbon absorb method. 

Links to many papers about the topic can be accessed  @

Photosyntheses graphic explanation

The CARBON COUNTER Report Energy Monitoring Graph

Carbon Counter Energy Monitoring Graph on report page

The Energy Monitoring graph visualises the changing usage of electricity in the building.

CARBON COUNTER Base Load power explained

In most buildings there are electrical appliances that never switch-off.  In the domestic household the landline telephone, fridge, microwave and oven are left on standby over night.  Together, these devices create a minimum usage of kWh which continuously passes from the power grid through the electric meter. 

The electric meter never pauses from ticking forward.  This low-level constant usage is the Base Load.  It is sometimes referred to as “Vampire Power”

Reducing the Base Load in any building makes a reduction in the KWh usage and the associated cost / CO2e emissions.

The data below is from a building with PV Panels installed.  During peak sunshine moments the revenue meter stops ticking forward.  The Base Load power is supplied directly from the PV installation (not the Power Grid).

Base Load Trend is reported numerically and visually in the CARBON COUNTER Report
Baseload trend graph

The chart bars display the weekly total kWh recorded by the revenue electric meter.  Observe the reduced totals used around Christmas.

The darker shade red displays Base Load trends, explained with reference to the Daily data summary table

Daily data summary
Daily Data Summary from Carbon Counter Report Page
Kwh baseload time displayed on M&T graph

Electricity Base Load Trend Calculation

For the week commencing 23rd Jan the Base Load (dark red area on chart bar) trend is 1222 KWh.

The Base Load, that is the lowest recorded usage during the week was 7.28 KWh at 19:15 on 23/01/2023.

The Base Load, will not register on the graph, bouncing along just above the x-axis.  The daily Base Load is reported in the Daily data summary table.

The dark red area on each bar in the the graph is to display Base Load trends.

The lowest electricity usage during the week is 7.28KWh.  If the meter records this rate of electricity usage for 24 hour each day during the week the total is :

7.28 X 24 X 7 = 1223.04 KWh

the Carbon Counter database holds numbers to far higher decimal precision than the graphs and tables display

Electric Usage choice architecture

Electricity usage data creates choice architecture about actions needed to improve utility efficiency of the building, see the below Monitoring graph 4 weeks view.

Monitoring granular data graph with questions

Compare the weekend baseloads for 1, 2 and 3.

At point four a power consuming appliance was drawing electricity from the grid all night.

The Facilities Manager might know the reasons for these events.  If so, it will be a good idea to add a service note into CARBON COUNTER Monitoring & Targeting portal.

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