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Benchmarking building efficiency

Single site SME |Carbon Counter support

The process of improving the efficiency for a single building or a multi-site corporation is very similar to other management actions.

CO2e monitoring cycle

Carbon Counter will lead you through this process with the expectation of a successful outcome. The savings in usage / CO2e emissions are different for electricity, gas and water depending on the purpose of the building to be monitored. We have data from almost every type of building from small business park units, office blocks, schools, hospitals, stadiums and large-scale manufacturing plants. All data is confidential but the trends and success stories are similar across all sectors. Below is an extract from the Benchmarking Report for Police Stations in the United Kingdom. Police Forces in the UK agreed to use Gross Internal Area for benchmarking Police Stations. With water data from many Police Stations, it is possible to accurately inform about the potential water savings for any UK Police Station before water use is added to Carbon Counter.

Screen grab from BlueSkies benchmarking page

The median UK Police Station annual water usage, as reported by Carbon Counter, is per cubic meter gross internal area 0.4 m3 water Three Police Stations belonging to the end-user client Police Authority account are using more water than the median.

Benchmarking tool

The lighter shade of blue is the water used in the first week of data monitoring, darker blue is the current week. In all sectors and utilities companies and organisations working with Carbon Counter are achieving fiscal savings and their reducing CO2e emissions footprint.

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