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CO2e emissions monitoring from monthly meter reads

Really useful information about historical performance of a building can be calculated from periodic meter reads as reported on electric bills from the Power Supply Company. The kWh usage and CO2e emissions forecasts, reports and reviews below are generated by inputting one “eyeball” actual meter read per month.

Summary kWh report from eyeball meter reads
Summary kWh report from eyeball meter reads

One meter read per month from the previous 2 years will produce accurate reports and enable informed forecasts for kWh usage and CO2e emissions.

CO2e emission report and forecast calculated from monthly meter reads
CO2e emissions report and forecast calculated from monthly meter reads

The meter reads can be input into the portal using a form or emailed direct to Carbon Counter.

Carbon emissions and kWh reporting method

As the meter reads are input BlueSkies calculates the historic kWh average daily usage and estimated daily meter readings.

The BlueSkies add meter reads input form
The BlueSkies add meter reads input form

BlueSkies instantly proposes a forecast, referring to the kWh Average Daily Usage from the month one year ago. In this example a seven percent reduction is made to the monthly totals from 2021. An annual seven percentage reduction is a recommendation from COP26, to avoid the 1.5 degree rise in average global temperatures

Create a yearly CO2e emissions report from monthly meter reads
Create a yearly CO2e emissions report from monthly meter reads

Understanding the Energy Usage Data

The Facilities Manager knows the building and the reasons for seasonal differences in Electricity Usage.

The 2021 CO2e and kWh Report

Let’s consider the changing monthly profiles from a 2021 summary report created using monthly meter reading.

The key information is that the building has no supply of mineral natural gas so all the heating during winter uses grid supplied electricity. In the summer air conditioning, also referred to as climatization, is used for cooling.

The peak months for electric usage are June, July, August (a slight decrease in August due to lower occupancy) and September. Due to Covid changing work patterns the model of using historical usage to anticipate future kWh needs and CO2e emissions is not so accurate.

The UK Government issues detailed conversion factors for converting Electric kWh used to CO2e emissions. These conversion factors are applied to your data to calculate tonnes CO2e and how many trees are required to offset these emissions.

All this information is quickly calculated simply by sending Carbon Counter your meters read.

Note : To request the set-up of a self-service meter read location in BlueSkies contact

When the Automated Meter Readings are added to your location the two data series can be "stitched together". Now the monthly reports, forecasts etc. are automatically updated as new data arrives each day. Bonus is that daily email alerts can be set-up.

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