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Data gathering using LoRaWAN

LoRaWAN coverage is increasing in cities throughout the world, see London – The Things Network Community.

Newcastle-upon-Tyne, ENGLAND | one of many SMART cities
Newcastle-upon-Tyne, ENGLAND | one of many SMART cities

The cost of gathering data from pulse-enabled meters has been drastically reduced through the roll-out of LoRaWAN (Low Frequency Long Range Wide Area Networks). Pulse counting data loggers can be fitted to most electric, water, gas and heat meters. Adding a pulse counter to an electric meter used to need hardware such an integrated modem, cabling to LANs and perhaps a dedicated SIM data package for sending data to your AM&T portal using the cell phone network. Together with a few hours of technical support to install and commission the hardware. LoRaWAN and IoT (Internet of Things) Devices are being rolled out around the world in many sectors, including Energy Monitoring and SMART cities. Carbon Counter offer is to assist with the set-up and commissioning of a LoRaWAN gateway in AWS IoT and then register devices to send data into your BlueSkies account.

AWS IoT raw LoRaWAN data from Sensing-labs LED emitter pulse counter
AWS IoT raw LoRaWAN data from Sensing-labs LED emitter pulse counter

Very quickly, data packets of pulses, with time stamps can be converted into user-friendly graphs and reports to enable the AM&T (automated monitoring and targeting) process to start. You will be able to login to Carbon Counter and understand when Energy and Water can be saved.

LoRaWAN data converted into graphs
LoRaWAN data converted into graphs

Our AM&T software includes easy to use tools to help the process of reducing your Greenhouse Gas emissions. Carbon Counter, is registered in Estonia with an operational centre in the United Kingdom. The beauty of LoRaWAN and IoT is that services can be set-up remotely throughout the world. Carbon Counter will recommend hardware devices and introduce your organisation to reliable hardware suppliers who are already sending data to Carbon Counter. Obtaining utilities data really is a simple “plug ‘n play” operation. Carbon Counter works with Facilities Management operations, both in-house and out-sourced, to provide effective energy and water monitoring.

NOTE : Now Carbon Counter recommend the Browan Indoor Pro Gateway

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