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How to link the information BlueSkies provides into actions that could be taken by SMEs?

Before a video call 16th Nov I was asked to make written reply to the question

How to link the information BlueSkies provides into actions that could be taken by SMEs?

I’m happy to share the answer, with the real-time data from the BlueSkies demonstration data view from Gothan School. It’s a demo account taking anonymised data from real locations.

These locations perfectly illustrate the value of easy access monitoring and targeting graphs showing data from the inaccessible utility revenue meters


The BlueSkies application is designed to display electric / gas (and optional water) usage KPIs. Ideally, there is a dedicated flat screen monitor continuously displaying the graphs in the SME building.

Every person who sees the BlueSkies display is reminded that energy resources are being used and ideally will question with colleagues why the data trends are unfavourable.

Example 14th November

There is an on-going excessive usage at a location in the Demo Account

Screen grab from BlueSkies Lobby Display 14th November 2022
Screen grab from BlueSkies Lobby Display 14th November 2022

This increase in water usage is immediately put into “public space” awareness for all building users to see

For this site, the expectation is that water usage drops to zero during the night.

In addition to the visualisation of the leak, an email alert will be sent to account holders.

Graphic from email alert : reference increase utility usage @ a BlueSkies location
Graphic from email alert : reference increase utility usage @ a BlueSkies location

For this incident, a specialist leak investigator contractor might be required.

The wasted water is approx. 16 cubic metres on day one.

An additional consideration is that water can damage buildings to a much higher cost than the leakage cost.

Incidents for gas / electricity and water happen continuously.

The SME direct actions from BlueSkies information

Sees the graph in BlueSkies

  • An email alert is automatically sent from the Monitoring & Targeting portal (and a phone call if the client subscribes to a Bureau Service) SME knows there is an issue with the electric, gas or water.

  • SME initiates an on-site investigation to find the issue (Carbon Counter can recommend skilled contractors for this work)

  • Observes that the issue is resolved, a visual update arrive from the Automated Meter Readings.

Otisburg Boarders water usage confirmed back to normal from latest AMR
Otisburg Boarders water usage confirmed back to normal from latest AMR


17th Nov, watching the Gotham School account I see the Granton Boarders building used more water than expected 16th November, but the issue is resolved.

BlueSkies Lobby Display latest : Granton Boarders water usage needs watching too
Granton Boarders water usage needs watching too

Check how much electric, gas and water is used at Gotham School in the BlueSkies Lobby Display

Create a yearly CO2e emissions report from monthly meter reads
Link to Gotham School BlueSkies Lobby Display | best viewed on a large monitor in full screen mode

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