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Innovation Park with Smart Electric Meters

Innovation Park

A Technology Business Park, leasing workspace units of varied sizes to hi- tech entrepreneurial businesses The Facilities Management company and property investment group decided to install smart meters into each unit around the park and also monitor all of the landlord’s use of electricity, even the fire alarm (which goes beep once a month when it is tested). Innovation Park is home for profitable businesses, accepting the need to use kWh electric to power the research and development of leading edge technologies in development for world-wide markets. These businesses have bought into the micro management of electricity usage that Carbon Counter provide. Innovation Park has more than fifty electric smart meters, calling into the Carbon Counter Portal every 15 minutes with a meter read. The process is fully automated. Every day Carbon Counter automatically generates an online report, visualised into five pie charts. Each Pie chart displays only six sectors, when a location appears in the pie chart it is using more resources than other locations. The pies are :

A | Total usage kWh B | Constant usage kWh C | Constant usage % of total usage D | Night usage kWh E | Night usage % of total use



The pie charts can be set to make the calculation for

13 days 13 weeks 13 months

This is easy to use data, designed to help Facilities Managers focus time and resources where savings can be maximised. A quick call to let a tenant know their facilities are using too much electricity at night time does change behaviour. On the usage graph below, the red line is seven days ago, for the same location. The night baseload is much lower, a saving made only through switching-off equipment when the building is not in use.


Innovation Park, active electricity monitoring is never time-consuming and reducing CO2e emissions.

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